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Spring 2023 Retreat

The Spring 2023 Crop Science & Horticulture Club Officer Team is ready to serve YOU! Preparation for the new semester took place on January 17th and 18th during a retreat hosted by Savanah & Alexys. Read below to see what took place throughout our time together: January 17th: Breakfast Ice Breaker (Mystery Fun Facts) Overview of Roles Brainstorm Session: Committees, Community Service, Industry Tours, Meetings, Fundraisers, and Guest Speakers Calendar of Events Overview Evening Activity (Card Games & Movies) January 18th: Brunch Personality Tests (16Personalities Quiz and Debrief) Team Activity (Murder Mystery Board Game) Officer Photoshoot Shoebox Activity (5 Memorable Items & Debrief) Dinner Reflection

With the goal of serving club members to the best of our abilities, we were able to learn more about each other, our traits as leaders, and ultimately work together towards planning a successful semester ahead. The club was officially recognized for the semester on January 29th at the Student Life and Leadership training and is ready to tackle a great season of service! To learn more about us and how we can help you, check out the 'meet the team' tab up top.

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